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Internal refugees in the north; vulnurable in Bimbilla on a journey to nowhere



Neighboring towns in the eastern corridor of northern Ghana have started receiving refugees from the trouble town of Bimbilla.

Since last Thursday, three towns,Yendi, Saboba and Cheriponi have been receiving women and children fleeing from renewed chieftaincy conflict in Bimbilla in the Nanumba north district of the northern region.

They are embarking on a journey most of them described as a journey of no return. “We are always the ones who suffer anytime this conflict resurfaces and we can’t continue to bear it,”  a woman refugee woman now based in Yendi woman told Zaa News on phone.

She continued: “My friend is still battling with her leg when she was hit by a stray during last year’s violence. She goes to Tamale Teaching Hospital every three months so doctors can examine her leg, why? She asked.


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Residents in the traditional seat of the Nanumg traditional area have deserted the town.

Residents mainly women and children started fleeing the area after a renewed protracted chieftaincy dispute in Bimbilla.

On Thursday morning, a gunshot was heard at a funeral in community and that subsequently led to sporadic shooting and burning of houses, a distressed resident told Zaa News.

According to the resident, a sub chief was enskinned by the regent of Bimbilla who acted upon the advice of the elders in area but the enskiment did not go down well with the opposing side in the chieftaincy dispute.

Hub of yam

The area is noted as the hub of yam in the eastern corridor part of northern Ghana. However, since the chieftaincy conflict started for almost a decade now, the area is beginning to lose its yam producing capacity.

Yams stored for buyers was burnt and those stored in farms are likely to rot because the fighting has now moved to farms.



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