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We don’t have votes but our voice must be heard-Children to politicians


Children from 13 communities in the Sagnarigu municipality and Nanumba North district of the northern region have called on politicians to take into accounts their views, needs and protection.

The communities includes Zugyuri, Gbanyamini, Bognaayili, Garizegu,Nangbagu, Taali, Dakpam, Binda, Kpabi and Pusuga among others.

  The children said even though they have no votes, they have a duty to demand their political parties seeking their parents mandate need consider them.

According to them, Ghana belongs they the children who are future leaders and that issues affecting them must be a priority by the next government.

The children reminded security agencies and political actors that, Ghana must be the winner of 2020 elections because, when Ghana win, the children win and when children win, Ghana will prosper.

The children want the next government to build more health facilities in rural areas, train and post more health workers to rural areas, ensure that national health insurance covered every Ghanaian child and enforce the covid-19 protocols to end spread in schools.

The children in a communique thanked successive governments for the progress in the development of education in Ghana since 1957, more need to be done, especially basic schools-from day nurseries and junior high schools. 

Inadequate furniture, the right learning materials and qualified teachers to help lay a good foundation and good school infrastructure for the little ones at KG level the children noted still a challenged and need to be address.

Kingsley Kpenye, child-Friendly Mechanism Club of Kanvilli Roman Catholic school and Priscilla Abbe of Zugyuri Anglican school presented their communique that their safety and protection to the regional director of department of children at the instance of Children Believe, formerly Christian Fund of Canada(CCFC).

The children expect the next government to ensure that there are enough teachers in all basic schools, particularly at the KG and primary level.

The next government according to the children, should also be able to ensure that people who abuse them are severely punished to deter others.

They further demanded from the next government that, people who defile, rape, who marry or support child marriages, impregnant girls in schools as well as those trafficking and using children as labors are sanctioned in accordance with the law.    

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