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Angry female supporters of NDC lock out Chereponi DCE


Some angry supporters of the ruling governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Chereponi constituency in the early hours of Monday locked up the District Executive office, reports said. The supporters, including women, are accusing the Chereponi DCE, Hajia Mary Nakobu of being arrogant and disrespectful.

The angry supporters, led by the constituency women’s organizer of the party, Madam Adiza Kotur want the president John Dramani Mahama to remove Hajia Nakobu from office.

The DCE was disqualified during the party’s parliamentary primaries in 2015 on the grounds that her loyalties were to the National Democratic Party (NDP), a party founded by former first lady Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings.

Zaa News’ efforts to get the side of the DCE to respond to the accusations have not been successful. Our sources however indicated the DCE was out of the district attending a funeral at Salaga.

The supporters’ angry outburst prevented other auxiliary officials of the assembly from accessing their offices to perform their official duties.

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