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NPP inaugurates election campaign team in Northern Region


IMG-20160222-WA0003The National Patriotic Party in the northern region is all geared up for the November election and to this end, it has constituted a thirty-four (34) member campaign team. The team comprises 21 members from both regional executives and national council members and 13 appointed members.

The team’s core duty, among others, is to work hard to wrestle power from the governing National Democratic Congress in the November 7 elections.

NPP’s northern regional chairman, Mr Daniel Bugri Naabu, who inaugurated the team told party supporters that the event marks the end of NDC government come November 7, 2016. Mr Naabu therefore charged members not to be complacent or so confident about victory because of the unprecedented harsh Ghanaians are going through under the NDC but rather should work harder to ensure electoral victory.

For the appointed members, Mr Naabu reminded them to combine their hard work with vigilance at all times and to put all other interests behind them and let the party interests be supreme towards wining 2016 general elections. He reiterated that vigilantes are what the party needs to counter what he described in his own words as the manipulations of the NDC.

He claimed that the NDC never won elections based solely on its popularity but rather through manipulations at the polling stations.

The NPP he stated will develop what he called a third eye to observe everything and also deal with any manipulations at the polls. On financial issues during the campaign, Bugri Naabu drew all NPP parliamentary candidates’ attention to the fact that they are also stakeholders in the fortunes of the party and therefore should not expect any funds or resources from anywhere for their work.

The parliamentary candidates, Mr Naabu said, should be prepared to source funds by themselves and where the party has to help, it will.

The regional chairman reminded party members that this is not the time for petty intra-party squabbles and struggles for self-importance within the regional set up, to the detriment of winning the 2016 elections.

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