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1.6m Cedis Sagnarigu assembly block work commence


The Sagnarigu District Assembly has broken grounds for the construction of 1.6 million Ghana Cedis assembly administration block. The building when completed will have about 24 offices, a multipurpose hall for the assembly meetings and an administrative hall.

The contractor of the project is expected to complete the building within ten months. The district after it was carved out of Tamale Metropolis has been operating in rented premises while holding its ordinary meetings at the Tamale Senior High School Assembly Hall.

Eighteen (18) out of 45 districts created by the late President Atta Mills have their administration offices currently are at various completion stages.  

District Chief Executive for Sagnarigu, Alhassan Mohammed Sorugudoo, said the event marks a mile-stone of the district and that when completed; it would facilitate the development in the area.

A representative from Akufo and Associates consultancy, a firm contracted for the new assembly’s administration buildings, Bernard Affreh appealed to the people in the Saganrigu District to support the contractor Iddrisu Abdulai to complete the project on time.

The Paramount Chief of Sagnarigu Traditional area, Ambassador Yakubu Abdulai who cut the sod at Kpene commended the District Chief Executive for the area for not relenting on his effort to get the project started. He expressed the hope that government will speed up the process of elevating the district to the municipality status.

On the impending district assembly election which was suppose come off Tuesday March3, but has been suspended indefinitely as result of supreme court ruling, the Sagnarigu Chief appealed to electorates in the area to elect people who can pursue DCEs for developmental projects.



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