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Acute water shortage hits Tamale teaching hospital


Acute water shortage has hit the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) compelling hospital authorities to rely on Ghana National Fire Service, University for Development Studies and the GWCL tanker services.

Relatives of patients are resorting to buying of sachet water and nearby houses for help. Authorities of the hospital describe the situation as dire. For the past one week, the Tamale metropolis was hit by water shortage without any explanation from the Ghana water company Limited (GWCL) and all attempts to get GWCL’s response failed.

 Zaa News’ visit to the only referral and teaching hospital in Northern, Upper East and Upper regions saw that both the underground and over head water reservoirs at the hospital were empty.

 Taps at the hospital only flowed last Sunday and as at about 7am Monday, there was no water flowing. Authorities at TTH are, therefore, appealing to patients to bear with them as they take steps to address the problem.

The hospital is also appealing to individuals and organizations to help them with water to carry out its daily activities.

In our rounds with the TTH PRO, we came across an argument that ensued between a relative of a deceased and officials of the hospital over the release of the body for burial.

The decease we were told was hit by an object and was pronounced dead upon his arrival. It is a common practice in most hospitals in Tamale when it comes to the release of the dead for burial.

While, some relatives of deceased persons insist on immediate release of dead persons for burial, hospital authorities maintain that the right procedures must be followed.  

Ahmed Farid who spoke to Zaa News explained that institutions such police and the courts have major roles to play before a dead body is released. ’’This is a professional institution and professional ethics of every profession is expected to be at the highest level’’, Farid stated. Some death cases the PRO explained are under the police control especially, one that has link to criminal acts.

The PRO refused to be jack of all trades and master of none, except to appeal to religious leaders to speak up on the matter to prevent people yelling at mortuary attendants, threatening doctors and hospitals authorities.








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