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We have put in place measures to meet our target next year-Zabzugu DCE


The Zabzugu district assembly has put in place measures to ensure that the district meets its revenue target next year.  

The district exceeded its revenue target in 2013 but fails to meet its revenue target for 2014. The assembly after failing to meet its target started educating revenue collectors on why they should mobilize revenue for the assembly.

Out 26 metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies in the northern region, only 3 met their revenue target this year.

Speaking to Zaa News, the District Chief Executive for Zabzugu, Issifu Labandow said the assembly after educating its own staff will start vigorous campaign to sensitization in the area on the pay tax.

On the deplorable nature of Yendi-Zabzugu road, the DCE admitted that the road was in a bad state and assured the people of the area that it would re-graveled before the next farming season.


The assembly, Hon. Labandow said, has identified infrastructure as one of the important factors in the educational sector and is putting up a lot of schools and teachers accommodation in the area.




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