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Chief upset at MP’s in his area


The Paramount Chief of Sagnarigu traditional area, Ambassador Yakubu Abdulai has taken a swipe at the lackadaisical attitude of the two Members of Parliament in his area for consistently failing to attend functions meant for the development of the Sagnarigu constituency.

The chief expressed regret that the two absented themselves in the sod cutting ceremony of the district assembly office in which they are ex-officio members and described it as highly unacceptable. He urged the people in the area to vote people who have development of the area at heart.

He said the Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu and Deputy Northern Region Minister, Alhaji A.B.A Fuseini and Alhassan Dahamani Member of Parliament for Tamale North cannot use the President state of the nation address on Tuesday as an excuse because they are several airlines operating from the nation’s capital to Tamale.  

Ambassador Yakubu Abdulai also expressed his disappointment at the absence of Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) at the ceremony saying they cannot be preaching for decentralization and yet show little commitment. He has therefore promised to say the truth however bitter it is as long as God give him life.

But the District Chief Executive for the area, Alhassan Mohammed Sorugudoo said though he could not hold brief for them, both the Regional Minister and his deputy were still busily attending official assignments as at the time he was leaving Accra  for Tamale on Tuesday.

He however promised to relay the chief’s message to the absentee officials. According to the Sagnarigu DCE, he had on several occasions represented the absentees, especially the regional minister or his deputy.



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