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CPP kick against Ghana position on GMOs


The   Convention People’s Party (CPP) says government must take pragmatic measures to address what it describes as excruciating and economic hardship Ghanaians are currently going through.

According to the CPP, delivery of basic services and utility services are increasingly becoming poor coupled with lack of jobs for the youth. This, the party says is killing the moral of many Ghanaians.

The CPP at its national council meeting in Tamale said the nation is losing revenue due to greed, selfishness and negligence which are stifling Ghana’s progress and development.

Chairperson of CPP, Samia Yaba Nkrumah who addressed the NEC and members from the ten regions of  Ghana  to work hard towards destroying the control of the NDC and the NPP continue holding of power in order to salvage Ghanaians from mismanagement of the state resources.

Touching on the internal reforms of CPP, Samia Nkrumah urged members to take keen interest in the reforms, adding it will determine how close the party can get to political power and decision making.

She emphasized the need for all CPP members to register on the party’s database and self mobilization to revitalize CPP.

The CPP led by its leader kicked against attempt by government to sign Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and move to pass the plant breeder’s bill currently before parliament into law.

The party says the manner in which the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are going to be introduced in Ghana will make farmers in the country poorer. Some Civil Society Organizations led by Food Sovereignty Ghana are strongly protesting against efforts by some MPs and policy makers in Ghana advocating the passage of plant breeder’s bill into law.

National chair person of CPP Samia Nkrumah said a successful passage of the plant breeder’s bill by Ghanaian MPs will allow a few multinational companies to own most of the seeds farmers in Ghana will be relaying on.




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