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Create development music-MUSIGA N/R Chair to GHAMRO


Land Benedict Ali, Northern Regional Chairman of the Musician Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), has called on Ghana Music Rights Organization (GHAMRO) to help accelerate the development of musicians under their umbrella with the available resources (royalties) they collect on behalf of their musicians.

 Mr. Benedict Ali was speaking to Zaa entertainment on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 during the election of board members for the music rights body.

More than 3, 700 registered members of the organization convened in Kumasi, Accra and Tamale to elect persons who would salvage GHAMRO from its current challenges.

Wednesday’s elections were the first in GHAMRO’s 25-year history. For more than a year, GHAMRO has been bedeviled with a series of controversies forcing the Human Rights Court in July, 2014 to order the board led by Carlos Sakyi to step aside.

Some of the celebrated artistes who voted Wednesday included Bitter Flesh of Kaya, Fancy Gadam, Prince Mahama, Ras Nindow, Abu Sadick, Ahmed Adam, Black Hero, Shoe Shine Boy and the Northern Regional Chairman of MUSIGA, Mr. Ali.

The Regional Chairman in an interview stated that there is the need for GHAMRO to step up its activities to address some of the challenges confronting musicians at all levels in the ten regions.

Mr. Ali pleaded with the would-be members to try and help the industry grow very fast. He admitted there is money in the industry and GHAMRO. And so when they take over they should try as much as possible to help, particularly, the regions.

Mr. Ali again bemoaned that musicians don’t have money, immediately they launch cassette albums that’s all for them. They get little from their album launch and thereafter people start pirating and there is nothing they can do about it.

The Chairman of MUSIGA suggested that GHAMRO could support them at least with the royalties they have been paying. “During the previous administration they used to pay twice in a year but three years under Carlos Sakyi’s administration they only paid twice,” Mr. Benedict Ali said.

The elections which were keenly contested saw James Kwaku Tuffour beat Randy Nunoo George to become Deputy Chairman (composer) while Ahmed Banda (Bandex) beat Dominic Anomah to the Deputy Chairman (Producer/Publisher) position.

 Diana Hopeson, Zapp Mallet, Mary Ghansah, Nana Kwaku Duah (Tic Tac), Besa Simons Henry, Augustina Addison were also elected as Board members (Composers). For the position of board (Producer/Publisher), Benjamin Mensah (Big Ben), Seth Kwaku Amponsah (EasyWay), Francis Yaw Manu (Teacher Redeemer) and Rev. Francis Boahene vied Unopposed. Music genius Kojo Antwi has been sworn into office as the new Chairman of the Ghana Music Rights Organization (GHAMRO).

However, Zaa entertainment desk confirmed that award winning reggae sensational and “Shochira” hit maker, Sherriff Ghali was unanimously appointed by some northern musicians to contest for the board membership position in the just ended GHAMRO election which was held on February 11, 2015.

According to the musicians we spoke to, they admitted they needed a representation at the board level who could be their voice at the national level. Amazingly, the “Zom Bundana” hit maker rescinded his decision to contest without prior notice just moments to the deadline of submission of nominations. A move which triggered anger among some musicians in Tamale saying, there is no unity and good relationship among themselves thereby calling for dialog.

BY;Suleman Abdul Hanan/



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