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Sagnarigu District Aassembly renovates ravage school


The Sagnarigu District Assembly has officially handed over a refurbished classroom block to the Ryadhul Quranul Kareem Primary School at Nyashegu in the Sagnarigu District with a call on parents not to hesitate to invest in their children's education.

The renovation works, which cost GH¢20.000.00 included the roofing of two classrooms, a head teachers office, a store room, fixing of new doors, cementing of all the classrooms and painting of the entire block.

A severe rainstorm that hit  Sagnarigu District last year led to the destruction of two classrooms, as well as textbooks, exercise books and other teaching and learning materials.

The situation compelled school authorities to convert the school mosque into classrooms to accommodate the affected pupils. 

At the handing over ceremony, the District Chief executive of the Sagnarigu District Assembly, Alhassan Mohammed Sorugudoo said the efforts demonstrated Governments commitment towards the delivery of quality education to students and improving on education infrastructure across the country.

 He called on all stakeholders to do their best to improve the standards of education especially in the region adding that the Assembly together with Government attaches great importance to education and would continue to build more educational infrastructure to improve enrolment across the country.

The Proprietor of the school, Afa Masood Mohammed Kuyini, lauded the District Assembly for playing a pivotal role in the rehabilitation of the school block. 

Afa Mashood Kuyini said the new classroom block would enhance academic exercise in the school and stated that it was the responsibility of parents and teachers to prepare the young generation to take over the mantle of leadership in future.

He thanked the District Assembly for their immense contribution towards the renovation of the school block and called for more financial support towards the rehabilitation of the other blocks in the school.

By;Hansaawu Bukari Sanwidi




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