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library complex in Damongo in honor of president Mahama-Debra announced


The minister of local government and rural development, Mr Julius Debra  has pledge  to commit 70 percent of his monthly salary to build a community library complex for the people Damongo in honor of the president, John Dramnai Mahama. 
He said education education was key in fighting against disease and poverty and that the facility when completed would improve quality teaching and learning in the community.
Mr Debra announced this when he paid a curtesy call on the paramount chief of Gonja traditional area, Yagbon wura Tutumba Sulemana Buresa the first on yesterday(Thursday ). The minister since Monday has been calling on the paramount chiefs in the northern region as part of efforts to woo them to participate fully in this month national sanitation day exercise scheduled on Saturday February 7' 2015. 
He also promised to equipped the library with up to date text books and other learning materials. 
He hinted that he will liaised with the President, John DRamani Mahama to get his hand outs into the library in order to motivate the youth to aspire to high positions in the country in future. 
Mr Debra also indicated his outfit readiness to support the youth of the area  with some financial support to improve economic status through government Small and medium Scale enterprise development affordable credit. 
He therefore advised  the youth to form groups in order to benefit fully from the program. 

The local government minister appealed to Yagbon wura to encourage all people under his jurisdiction to participate in the national clean up exercise.
The Yagbon wura on his part enskinned the minister as Makpewura literally meaning    Chief who does not discriminate. 
The chief said, Mt Debra short stay in the ministry of local government has accorded chiefs with respect and dignity  as he will always invite the chiefs in what activities the government and the ministry is doing.
The Yagbon wura observed that there was no way government policies and programs can succeed without the involvement of traditional authorities.
Mr Debra also inspected developmental projects embarked upon by the three districts in the Gonja kingdom. The districts includes, Central, West and Sawla-Tuna-Kalba districts. 


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