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MP calls for gov’t &donor support to end flooding in Tamale


The Member of Parliament for Tamale North constituency, Alhassan Dahamani has appealed to the central government and donor partners to come to the aid of the constituency which is one of flood prone areas in Tamale.

He said the drainage system in the area needs serious attention in order to fine lasting solution to the perennial flooding situation in the constituency.

Tamale north is in the Sagnarigu District is bedeviled with serious developmental challenges like access roads and natural disasters such as flooding over the years. It will be recalled that several properties and lives were lost during the last rainstorm in Tamale. 

Gumani/Nyashegu electoral area in the Sagnarigu district was one of the worse affected areas which Hon. Dahamani said needs to be prevented from recurring. 

The Tamale North MP made the appeal when he toured the major drains in the constituency with some officials of hydrological service department.

 The Regional Hydrologist, Abdul-Ganiu Adamu said some structures may have to be remove to pave way proper drainage project in Tamale is to be executed  and   advised the residents around the major drain in Tamale to corporate with government and other stakeholders.  

The MP and the assessment team also lamented about diversions of drains in the worse hit areas of flood in Tamale.  

At Ward ’’K’’, a suburb of Tamale, the regional Hydrologist express worry over the choke nature of the drains and how people builds on top underground drain and said houses and stores worth  several thousands of Ghana cedis would have to be demolished before the underground drain can be open for easy flow of water.



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