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Nude pictures &videos in Tamale is a wakeup call to chiefs & religious leaders-Gukpe Naa


The palace of the Paramount Chief of Gukepgu traditional area, has called on the people in Tamale to be circumspect in their attempt to address the images of the sex scandal that has hit the metropolis.

The palace says, even though the act has brought the image of Tamale into disrepute, there should not be incitement of people to take the law into their own hands but instead cooperate with the security agencies to find the culprit responsible for recording and disseminating the nude pictures and videos.

The Gukpe Naa Palace is also calling on the public lend their support for the ladies in the pictures to bring the architect of the Tamale sex scandal to justice.

The Gukpe Naa palace described the act as despicable and that it is as a wakeup call to traditional and religious leaders to come together and fight against the moral decadence in the society.

At news conference on the palace position of the matter, the secretary to Gukpe Naa, Alhaji Alhassan Abdulai challenged parents to be abreast of what their children or wards are engaged in after school.

Mohammed Rashad Abdulai, the secretary to the Gukpe Naa told journalist that what the ladies need now is counseling and not condemnation.

The palace in an earlier interview with Zaa News hinted its intension in writing to Ghana embassy in Canada for the repatriation of the guy, but has reversed its decision and said it consider supporting the ladies for now before any other move.

Mr Rashad said the palace believe that the state agencies and the  security can handle the matter and called on ministry of Children, Gender and Social Protection to as a matter of urgency investigate it.



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