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One person dies in Bimbila chieftaincy dispute


One person has been confirmed dead leaving three other people sustaining various degrees of injuries in Bimbila of the Nanumba north district in the northern region after sporadic gun shooting over chieftaincy dispute.

One of the three persons injured is said to be in critical condition at the Bimbila government hospital and may be transfer to the Tamale Teaching Hospital.

The situation has led to the imposition of 5pm to 6am curfew by the district Security Council (DISSEC). The sporadic gun firing follows the death of Nakpaa Naa, Salifu Dawuni on Wednesday at the Tamale Teaching hospital and his interment place in Bimbila.

Heavy military and police are currently patrolling in the Bimbila Township. Two armor vehicles, one stationed at Bagyili gate and the other stationed at Gbegmayili. Police in Bimbila have arrested twenty people in connection with the incident. 

Five out the twenty have been released after screaning.

Meanwhile, the 15 persons including one Sulemana who died during the incident have all been transferred from Bimbila to the Yendi. The dead according to the police was added for autopsy because of the claims by some residents that, the police shot and killed him.



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