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The legacy I want to leave for the people of Dagbon is lasting peace –Kampakuya Naa


The Uni Bank has donated ten thousand Ghana cedis to the Dagbon traditional council ahead the celebration of the 2014 Damba festival.
The donation forms part of the bank’s social responsibility and also the bank’s aim to help to promote peace in the Dagbon traditional area.
Uni Bank started its operation just about 8 months ago in Tamale. The initiative according to the Uni bank has come to stay as far as the celebration of Damba is concerned.
The bank says it will associate itself to anything that will unite the people of Dagbon.
Presenting the cheque to the Overlord of Dagbon Kampakuya Naa Abdulai Yakubu Andani at the Gbewaa palace in Yendi, the Tamale branch manager of Uni Bank, Sualisu Alidu Mahama said the board of directors and the management of the bank are interested in any move to bring lasting peace to Dagbon.
Damba is an annual event that unites the people because it is celebrated throughout the Northern Region. Dagbon is yearning for peace so Uni bank is interested in anything that will contribute to the peace and unity of Dagbon and for that matter the whole of northern Ghana.
’’The founder and the management of the bank have deemed it necessary to do the unique presentation to the overlord and the traditional council of an amount of ten thousand Ghana cedis ,one hundred million in the old currency so that it will be used in the celebration of Damba festival,’’ Alidu Mahama explained their mission to Kampakuya Naa.
He added that it is the hope of the bank that whatever that it can contribute, however little it will be once it will lead to peace, they are interested in Uni bank and will carry the message direct from the board of directors to his Overlord.
He also sought permission from the Kampakuya Naa and pleaded that whatever the overlord and his elders will do that will lead to the final peace of Dagbon, Uni bank is interested to partner.
Receiving the Cheque on behalf of the elders and the people of Dagbon, the Overlord of Dagbon Kampakuya Naa Abdulai Yakubu Andani commended the Uni bank for their kind gesture and interest in bringing lasting peace to Dagbon.
He said the bank has taken a good decision because it can only make profits and serves the people well in the Northern Region in the atmosphere of peace and tranquility.
The Kampakuya Naa said the legacy he wants to leave for the people of Dagbon is peace because it brings about development. ’’I think the people of Dagbon need peace and whoever will work towards peace must be encouraged, adding that there is the need for lasting peace in Dagbon’’.
His Majesty Kampakuya Naa said government alone cannot bring peace to Dagbon and that government only plays a facilitating role, so the peace of Dagbon is within the people of Dagbon themselves not government. Government is a facilitator so people misinterpret issues.
It is the people of Dagbon who need to come together to bring peace. Kampakuya Naa Abdulai Yakubu Andani also advised the youth to be serious on their books because they are the future leaders of the nation. He stressed that they should try as much as possible to live in peace with one another, and listen to the elderly advice so that they can become responsible parents in future.

By; Ibrahim Dikunyalala/


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