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Time now for cattle ranching law in Ghana-farmers demand


The Ghana federations of agriculture producers’ coalition are calling on stakeholders in the agriculture sector to support in advocating the enactment of cattle ranching law that will regulate the movement of animals in Ghana.
The call for the law follows several complaints of farmers across Ghana on the negative impact on the activities of herdsmen in the rural communities.
The farmer based organizations believe regulating the movement of animals will ensure peaceful co-existence between crop farmers and animal farmers particularly herdsmen.
The absence of the law regulating movement of cattle often leads to herdsmen getting away with criminal activities such as destruction of farms perpetrated by the herdsmen.
Rape and killings are also common in most farming communities in Ghana allegedly being perpetrated by herdsmen.
The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana, the Apex Farmers organization Ghana, farmers network Ghana and Ghana national association of farmers and fishermen have therefore adopting a diplomatic way of addressing the effects of the absence of cattle ranching legislature on rearing and management of cattle in Ghana.
At a media sensitization in Tamale on the need for cattle ranching law in Ghana, the president of Peasant Farmers Association (PFAG) Adam Nasiru said cattle ranching law is necessary in Ghana now.
Drawing experiences from other West African countries such as Burkina Faso and Mali where cattle are not allowed to roam anyhow, the time has come for Ghana to regulate the movement of cattle through proper legal frame work.
Touching on the porous nature of Ghana’s boarders, the president of Apex Farmers Organization Ghana, Alhaji Nashiru Kadri said the way and manner herdsmen walk into Ghana need serious attention. This, he said, is worrying and called on government to equip immigration service to curb the menace.


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