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We don’t have means of transport-N/R peace council laments


The National Peace Council in the Northern Region is appealing to co-operate bodies and nongovernmental organizations to assist them carry out their mandate.

The council says they are committed in ensuring that there is peace in the region but it’s constraint with logistics and financial difficulties.

Members of the northern regional peace council which consists of all groups were set up by National Peace Council (NPC) act of 2011, Act 818 to facilitate and develop mechanisms for conflict prevention, management, resolution and build sustainable peace in the country.

At the maiden media encounter in Tamale, Archbishop of Tamale and Chairman of Northern Regional Peace Council, Most Reverend Philip Naameh told journalist that the council has no means of transport to facilitate their work. ’’ The council is limited in mobility; we don’t have means of transport’’ Rev. Naameh confessed.

According to Rev. Philip Naameh, if they are well resourced, they can travel outside Tamale to sensitize the people on the need for peaceful co-existence.  

Reverend Philip said it will serve the nation good if the council is decentralized with district offices for proper coordination and quick response to issues that might lead to conflict situations. The Regional Peace Council chairman called on the media as well as other institutions to assist in the promotion of peace in the region.

The Northern Regional Peace Council has been in existence since June, 2013. Philip Naameh outlined the functions of the regional peace council. He also mentioned that the media should help the peace council to give hope to the hopeless in the region.




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