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We need access roads-community demands from Sagnarigu assembly



Community members in Ward K electoral area in the Tamale north constituency in the Sagnarigu district is demanding that the assembly provides them with accessible roads.  Ward K is one of the flood-prone areas as a result of poor drainage system.

The lack of accessible roads in the community makes it difficult for emergency service delivery.  Drains channel water into people’s homes during rainy seasons. 

At a community forum on Sunday attended by the Sagnarigu district chief executive, presiding member and some assembly members, the community members said they feel neglected by successive governments and it is now for them to also get their share of the national cake.

The community members said they are ready to pull down their structures to pave way for the construction of accessible roads.  They are, however, demanding time line for the feeder roads which will be executed by the assembly while central government will fund the major roads.

 The deteriorating road network in Ward K has led to some community members losing their patience and hinted that they will demonstrate against government.  Some inhabitants also accused the assembly of not engaging them in the bidding processes before embarking on projects in the area.

They mentioned some drains the assembly started constructing in the area which they said is rather aggravating the flood situation.

According to them the district engineer did a poor job and it’s causing more harm them good in the community.  In some cases, community members do engage in serious confrontations when redirecting running water to drains.

While some blame the lack of development in Ward K on the assembly, others blame it on lack of consultation between the district chief executive and the Member of Parliament in the area. According to them, if a proper consultation exists between the DCE and the MP, they ought not to have engaged the communities at separate forums preaching the same message.

It is against this backdrop that the Sagnarigu district assembly is embarking on community forums to sensitize the community members to explain to them how the local governance process is going in order to provide them their needs. Alhassan Mohammed Sorugudoo, the district chief executive for Sagnarigu, the forum forms part efforts to strengthen local governance process. He explained that the assembly will continue to engage community members along so that the people can cooperate with the assembly in any developmental project in their areas. ’’I don’t it will fare for the assembly to just come and start demolishing properties that inflect pains on residents’’ Hon. Sorugudoo stated.

 A sub chief of the area, Tishegu Sabaa Naa Abass Salifu who spoke on behalf of Tishegu Lana Sulemana Neindow assured the assembly that his palace will support the assembly to ensure development in the area. Tishegu Naa Neindoo also appealed to all residents whose properties are on roads to start parking to enable the assembly carry out the construction work. 


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