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Bagabaga College of Education honors President’s father


The Bagabaga College of Education has honored the late Adama E. Mahama, father of President of the republic of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama as an old boy, his contribution to the college and the education in the northern region.

In his, honored,   the late Adam Mahama whose son is the current president of Ghana received a citation and an ICT center named after him, Adama Mahama ICT Center.

The college also honored the first president of Ghana, Dr Kwmame Nkrumah by naming an ultra modern library after him, Kwame Nkrumah Centenary Library.  A multi-purpose teachers’ resources center was named after the first senior prefect, Douri Benni Benjamin.

The minister of roads and highway and Member of Parliament for Tamale central, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini an old boy was also honored for honoring a promise he made during the launch of BATCO.

President John Dramani Mahama who received the citation on behalf of his late father, E.A Mahama on Saturday saluted all old boys, staff and management of Bagabaga College of education.

President Mahama reiterated government commitment in improving educational sector of the country. The President emphasized that, the 200 new community schools he promised is on course.

President Mahama also assured the college principle, Alhaji Adam Zakaria that his request of an ultra auditorium will be honored.  The Adam Mahama ICT center and the Kwame Nkruma centenary library will equipped by the IPMC to the tune of 2 hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

The government teacher training college was opened in 1944 into standard four (middle form one) of the only senior school for the Northern Territories (NTs) 



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