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Northern Regional Security Council bans use of motor bikes in Chereponi and Saboba

The Northern Regional Security Council (REGSEC) has issued a ban on motor bike riding by residents in the Chereponi and Saboba districts.

The ban however, exempts health workers, teachers, public servants and women.

While exempting government workers, the REGSEC  advised them to endeavour to move with identification cards so they could enjoy the privilege.

The ban on riding motor bikes according to REGSEC forms part of measures to deal with the current ethnic violence between the Anufors and the Konkombas in the North Eastern region.

The council said the government workers can only use motorbikes from 6:00 a.m and 6:00 p.m and warned that security will not tolerate the violation of the order.

REGSEC  also assured public servants and residents in the areas that they have put in place adequate measures to protect them.

This was contained in a statement signed by the northern regional minister, Salifu Saeed and copied to Zaa News.

The statement assured of adequate deployment of security personnel to the areas to prevent further escalation of the violence.

The government, the statement said, had earlier set-up a fact-finding committee to delve into the conflict and the report is under consideration for the necessary negotiations between the two feuding factions.

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