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Health alert; northern region records 103 COVID-19 cases in a month, 3 in critical condition-Deputy GHS director reveals


The Ghana Health Service (GHS) in the Northern Region has warned residents of dire consequences if they failed to adhere strictly to the coronavirus safety protocols.

The service is worried that some residents still disregard the protocols of protecting themselves and unsuspecting public from contracting covid-19. The warning follows what appears to be increasing cases of covid-19 in the region in the first month of 2021. The region according to the service recorded 103 cases in January alone from 7 metropolitan, municipal and districts assemblies.

Tamale metro and Sagnaarigu assemblies recorded more cases then Ynedi, Saboba, Savelugu, Nanumba South and Tatale districts. 

The service surveillance team has also picked up signals of suspected cases in the Gushegu municipality.

Given covid-19 situation in the region on Zaa Radio Behagu Malgu Saha program, Deputy Regional Director in charge of clinical care, Dr Braimah Baba Abukari explained that the region recorded 11 cases in November, 2020 and 2 cases in the first week of December last year. 

The first week of January, 2021 Dr Braimah further explained increased from 11 after the general elections to 19.

The 2nd and 3rd weeks recorded 32 ND 52 respectively bringing the number to 103. Dr Braimah who is the regional secretary of the Ghana Medical Association (GMA) revealed that the region has 3 covid patients seriously ill.

One of the patients he said is at the treatment center in Tamale whilst the other 2 are in the Intensive Care Unit.  He disclosed that the region has only 6 ventilators and if seriously ill numbers increase, health professionals would not be able to manage the situation.

He pleaded with residents not to joke with the current wave of covid, describing it as worse than   March 12,20019 when the country first recorded it’s 2 imported case.

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