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Indian High Commissioner to Ghana encourages women and youth to go into business


The Indian High Commissioner to Ghana, H.E Mr Sugandh Rajaram has encouraged women and youth in the northern sector to venture into business.

The high commissioner revealed that, India development is women led, especially in business and encouraged more women in the north to not shy away from starting their own enterprises.

He said both India and Ghana have similarity in youthful population with more than 60-70% of its young people being under 25. This, H.E Mr Rajaram said if they positively contribute towards national development would reduce unemployment and poverty.

Mr Rajaram disclosed that he has held discussions with both political, business and traditional authorities in the north on many areas the two countries can explore to expand businesses.

 According to the commissioner, young people both men and women, are increasingly using technology for their business development and the government of Ghana needs to prioritize Information Communication Technology (ICT) for its bilateral development cooperation.

He also advised the government to ensure that India investment and support is not limited and concentrated to only areas in and around Accra but in other regions, especially, northern regions where for the ages, India has strong affinity with.

Speaking at the launch of Northern Business Investment Fair in Tamale, the commissioner said India prioritized rural and agro-development in its bilateral cooperation and will continue.

 The three day’s exhibition fair is organized by Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) in collaboration with Ghana Enterprise Agency (GEA) under the theme;” Harnessing Business Opportunities for Accelerated Development’’.

Exhibitors across the five regions of the north displaced their wares for patrons.  The commissioner who cut the tape for the three-day event reiterated the India government commitment to supporting Ghana in the area, pharmaceuticals, agro industry and ICT. He also advised business-oriented Ghanaians to take advantage of the business ecosystem created with the assistance from India.

 The India strong political relationship with Ghana Mr Rajaram added led to strong business relation whilst strong presence of the India community in Ghana also led to strong people-to-people relations between the two countries string with of business growth.

Chief of Choggu right, Indian High Commissioner middle and Chief of Lamshegu left

The effort of capacity building by India in Ghana the high commissioner said has given strong footage and foundation for businesses to take advantage. India, he revealed remains the largest foreign investor in Ghana with trade volume of 5billion dollar per annum before covid 19 pandemic.

India, the high commissioner said has extended 1050-million-dollar concessional credit in agriculture mechanization for five districts in the northern region and 30-million-dollar credit to improve water supply in the Yendi municipal area extended a billion-dollar support to Ghana. It however reduced during covid 19 pandemic to about 2 billion dollars, the high commissioner stated.

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