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Bawumia needs to learn basic economics- labour minister



Employment and Labour Relations Minister, Mr Haruna Iddrisu has asked the New Patriotic Party (NPP) running mate, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to go and learn basic economics and stop peddling falsehoods about Ghana’s economy.

At the campaign launch for the minister for Roads and Highways and incumbent MP for Tamale central, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini in Tamale Saturday, Mr Iddrisu told an enthusiastic crowd that Dr Bawumia needs to talk about liabilities anytime he has the opportunity to speak on Ghana’s economy.

The Tamale South legislator who mounted the campaign platform with print out documents of Dr Bawumia’s September 2016 lecture on the economy and challenged the crowd to evaluate Dr Bawumia’s promise to build 600 senior high schools against the NDC’s promise to construct 200 SHS of which 123 are already complete. He promised to defused what the NDC has consistently described as propaganda economics falsehoods peddled by the NPP to unsuspecting electorate for political expediency.

Mr Iddrisu used the opportunity to hit hard at Dr Bawumia and referred party supporters to read page 15, 28 and 41 to abreast themselves with the falsehoods of the NPP presidential candidate and his running mate.

“I wonder the type of economics the NPP running mate is talking about any time he speaks,” Haruna Iddrsius quizzed.

The NDC, he said, has expanded access to secondary and tertiary education more than any other government in the history of the country with the exception of the first president of Republic of Ghana, Dr Kwame Nkrumah.

He added that, indeed, the ministry of finance supported by the president, has secured a billion U.S. dollars euro bond, so where is the policy credibility Bawumia is talking about, Mr Haruna asked?

He explained further that the NDC government borrowed 1 million dollars euro bond to pay a 750 million dollars euro bond the NPP had borrowed in 2007 which they used for consumption, therefore they have no policy credibility.

In justifying the NDC government borrowing, the labor minister said the money was used largely to build solid infrastructure including the upgrading of the Tamale International airport, the Kwame Nkrumah Circle Interchange and connecting more communities to the national electricity grid, adding that, “when you talk of liabilities you must acknowledge access,” he reminded the NPP. “Is it a crime to borrow and develop you nation?” he asked

The president, Mr Haruna said is committed to creating jobs, adding that 4000 jobs will be created between now and 2017.

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