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CODEO 2nd Situational Report Paints A Gloomy Picture on EC Limited Biometric Voter Registration Exercise.


A civil society group, the Coalition of Domestic Electoral Observers, has voiced concerns about what it describes as shortcomings of the limited voter registration exercise. It is therefore calling on authorities to rectify the situation before the November elections.

In cataloging the number of disturbing issues observed during the exercise, the CODEO mentioned tension and violent incidents at registration centers in some regions as disturbing trends. It pointed an accusing finger at party agents as being the source of the extreme tension and violence that were observed.

One such incident took place at the Kukuom Anglican primary school at the Kukuom-Achiase registration center in the Asunafo north district of the Brong Ahafo Region on Friday April 29, 2016 over the eligibility of a female applicant.

The CODEO observer reported that cutlasses, stones, cudgels and other offensive weapons were brandished and one person who was wounded was taken to the hospital.

Reportedly the incident started with verbal exchanges between the district chief executive of the area (who was at the center) and the NPP agents posted at the same center over the age of a registration applicant.

Presence of Unauthorized Persons around Registration Centers and the Use of Self-Appointed Guarantors worrying, CODEO says.

A statement issued in Accra and signed by CODEO National Coordinator, Albert Arhin quoted its observers as seeing unauthorized party supporters and members of the public loitering around registration centers in different parts of the country.

Some of them, the statement said, had closely positioned themselves around registration centers with the sole purpose of serving as guarantors for registrants who share party affinity.

For instance, at the Accra Girls Secondary School Registration Center in the Mamobi East Electoral Area in Ayawaso in the Greater Accra region, on Thursday May 5, CODEO observers spotted NDC-branded vehicles loaded with people who appeared to be serving as guarantors for would-be registrants.

At the R/C 2 Hwidiem Osuodumgya A JHS registration centre in the Santeagya electoral area in the Asutifi South district of the Brong Ahafo region, unauthorized persons had gathered around the registration centre ostensibly to vouch for applicants.

Abuse of Registration Procedures

CODEO observers also reported instances where Registration Officials allowed people to endorse guarantor forms early in the morning and depart from the center, even before registration had commenced.

These forms were subsequently used to support the registration of applicants. This situation was observed, for example, at the T. B. Awakorme registration center in the Avoeme West electoral area in the Ketu South District of the Volta Region.

Densely Populated Areas

CODEO observers according to the statement reported the inadequacy of registration centers in some densely populated areas, thereby hampering the ability of some potentially eligible persons to register.

At Legon Hall Registration Center in the Legon Electoral Area in Ayawaso in the Greater Accra region for example, CODEO observers reported long queues of hundreds of people waiting to register. With the registration team capturing an average of about 100 persons a day, the CODEO said, it was going to be an ordeal just to get registered.

The Coalition is afraid that the EC may deprive some otherwise eligible persons from registering before the end of the exercise.

Misunderstanding of the Challenge Procedure

CODEO said instances of party agents and party activists engaging in verbal exchanges and violent confrontation over the eligibility of registrants, even after a challenge form has been filled in respect of the registrants was wide spread.

At the R/C Primary School registration center in Banda Ahenkro in the Banda district of the Brong Ahafo Region, for instance, NPP party agents’ challenge against some 3 registrants provoked a violent confrontation with suspected NDC activists in the vicinity. The police was, however, able to intervene and restore calm at the registration center.


CODEO has therefore commended the security services for managing to bring under control the tension, chaos and violent incidents at some registration centers. CODEO urges the security agencies to intensify their surveillance of registration centers, especially those with a history of violence.


CODEO reiterates its call on political parties, particularly the NDC and the NPP, to restrain their respective agents and activists from engaging in disruptive and violent behaviour at registration centers.

CODEO calls on the EC and its monitoring teams to pay close attention to the conduct of registration officials posted at the various centers.

CODEO implores the EC to increase the supply of registration centres in densely-populated areas of the country to give all eligible citizens the opportunity to register to vote in the 2016 polls.

Finally, CODEO urges the security agencies to apply the law rigorously in dealing with anyone who engages in registration-related criminal offense.

CODEO’s observation of the registration exercise is made possible with the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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