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We will declare our own results if you dare declare fraudulent results – NDC youth warn EC


A Youth Wing of NDC in the Northern Region calling itself Founders’ Bench has endorsed the Minority leader Haruna Iddrisu’s warning that the NDC will not accept the outcome of a fraudulent election. It says it will support the party simultaneously announcing its results if the EC dares to declare a manipulated results.

The Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu earlier this month, warned that the NDC will not accept the outcome of a fraudulent election, adding the party will simultaneously declare its results if EC dares to declare a rigged results.

The Former President John Mahama had also cautioned that the EC Chairperson, Jean Mensah, and her outfit will be held responsible if the country is plunged into turmoil after the 2020 general election.

Addressing a News Conference today, the Spokesperson of the group Salifu Abdul Zakiu states the Former President John Mahama, the Minority Leader and other NDC officers speaking against the compilation of a new voters’ register are only communicating the minds of the rank and file of the party.

He pledges the group’s readiness to within the remit of the law, defend the sovereignty of the country.

RE-Full statement


Good afternoon our friends from the media. We are delighted you honoured our invitation at such a short notice.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, the December, 07, 2020 general election is just around the corner. Ghana over the years has distinguished itself as the beacon of democracy for holding credible, transparent and peaceful elections that have seen governments swung. It is therefore imperative for all of us to strive to maintain and improve the feet achieved over the years.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, it is in this light that we warn the Electoral Commission (EC) headed by Jean Mensah to desist from acts that has the tendency of plunging this country into chaos.  A credible voter register is a minimum requirement for the conduct of free and fair elections. But the EC’s entrench stance and demeanour on the compilation of a new voter’s register appear to be threatening the stability of Ghana, even before the 2020 election is conducted.

We support our flagbearer’s caution that the EC Chairperson, Jean Mensah, and her outfit will be held responsible if the country is plunged into turmoil after the 2020 general election.

Only last week,  the Inter Party Resistance against the New Voters’ Register which is made up of six (6) Political Parties, held and Press Conference and shared new information concerning the Electoral Commission’s irrational decision to throw away the existing biometric voters’ register and compile an entirely new voters’ register for the 2020 upcoming General Elections.

Ladies and gentlemen, the coalition demonstrated beyond reasonable doubts, that Ghana does not need a new voters register for the 2020 General Elections. The current biometric voters’ register is credible and bears all the essential features of an accurate and credible voters register. None of the concerns raised by the EC impugn or undermine the credibility of the voters register (data) in any way.

The Inter-Party Resistance Against the New Voters Register therefore stated unequivocally its determination, to do everything possible within the remits of the law to resist the devious machinations and reckless attempt by the EC to waste the public purse on a needless compilation of a new voters register, which has the potential to jeopardize our fledgling democracy and the peace and stability we are enjoying as a country.

Our affable Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu also earlier this month, warned that the NDC will not accept the outcome of a fraudulent election, adding the party will simultaneously declare its results if EC dares to declare a rigged results.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, we want to state that the Minority Leader only spoke the minds of the rank and file of the party. We as a group is battle ready to carry out any directive given by the leadership of the party to defend the sovereignty of the country.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, the NDC particularly its youth wing should not be taken for granted. We dare any force, person or group to try to cow us to submission as far as protecting the will of the people in the December general election

We are committed to the Peace; we are committed to the democracy but we will not and this time, let them dare that they will declare results, we will simultaneously declare and see what happens to the state.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, once again thank you for making time out of your busy schedules to be here.


Salifu Abdul Zakiu


Source: Ghana/Tamale/ Biawurbi

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