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Stop underrating women in society: Regional Minister appeals



The northern regional minister, Mr Abdallah Abubakari, has called for an end to the marginalization and denigration of women in society. He said treating women as second class human beings was unacceptable and must stop.

The minister was addressing the Northern Regional Co-ordinating Council of Women Association (NReCCGWA) and Sister Women Association at the forecourt of the RCC on Friday.

According to the minister, the women have been relegated to the background because of the role they play and reminded society that there is no useless women in the world because at least every woman is someone’s mother.

He said the misconception of sex and gender which is a natural factor contributed a lot in the marginalization of women.

As a rural boy from Walewale and knowing what our culture is, challenge women to empower themselves through self change, and change your bragging space with your husbands and relations, he advised.

The immediate past chairperson for the association appealed for financial support, a permanent secretariat and transportation for members to attend sister association meetings.

She pleaded with the regional minister to assist them address their challenges. She also called on all political parties in the region to conduct their campaign with decorum devoid of insults and personal attacks to ensure Ghana remain peaceful after the December 7 general elections.

The Northern Regional Coordinating Director, Alhaji Isshaku Alhassan has described the association as a big relief to him as the chief director in the region.

He explained that, the women constitute 50% of the workforce at the RCC and an organized group such as NReCCWA will make things easier for him to communicate and to get the work done in more easier way.

He challenged the association to be role models for women or even fo men to follow. “Some of us will be on the lookout for, what was the situation before and now, particularly punctuality and productivity,” the regional chief director reminded the gathering.

The regional coordinating director urged the women to extend their motherly role to the needy through outreach programs.

He assured the women of the RCC readiness to provide a place for nursing mothers to keep their babies.

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