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We are maintaining our prices in spite of utility increment -Sex Workers


imageMany would have thought that women who give what they have for what they want would increase their charges considering the prices of  make ups and dresses in Ghana where prices of consumer items and household goods seem to escalate daily.

But despite the high cost of living, both prostitutes and commercial sex workers in the Tamale metropolis in the Northern region have been generous to their clients.

They told Zaa News that they are maintaining their prices in spite of the increments in fuel price and utility tariffs.

Prostitutes who parade themselves along the Bank street and commercial sex workers in the vicinity of Victory cinema said the increment has not affected their previous charges.

The sex workers explained that they have much empathy for their clients on account of the terrible hardships they and other Ghanaians are going through.

According the working girls, their rates remain 100 to 150 Ghana cedis for a whole night service and 50 to 70 Ghana cedis for a short period. They assured their clients that they will not increase the rates for their services though their utility service has been increased.

Some of the sex workers who sell their services along bank street and around the victory cinema in the Tamale business district said they consider the interests of their clients first and have therefore promised good and affordable service.

By Prince Kwame Tamakloe/

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