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I will fulfill my promise before next election-Damango MP


Member of Parliament for Damango constituency, Adam Mutawakilu has reaffirmed his commitment to fulfilling his 2012 campaign promise before the next general elections.

The Damango MP said the onus lies on him to honor his campaign promise before 2016 general elections. ’’ I made a promise to all manner of people in my constituency and I will fulfill it before next elections’’ the Damango legislature assured.

 The MP stated this in Damango when he presented sewing machines, head driers, water reservoir and public address systems valued at 24,450 thousand Ghana cedis to various groups and institutions in the constituency.

Before the end of 2015, the Hon. Mutawakilu promise to provide grinding mills to reduce the long distance women travel to grind cereals, motorbikes for circuit supervisors and two ambulances for Busunu and Laribanga communities.

The groups include women in dressing, hair dresser, Butchers and Damango Redemption orphanage home. The presentation, according to the MP, was in fulfillment of his campaign promise during 2012 elections. 

He first visited Damango butcher house where he presented a refrigerator to enable the butchers store their meat. ’’proper keeping of meat is a health issue so I thought that, with the provision of refrigerator they would be able to store meat that they are not able to sell and the next day, they will still have fresh meat to sell’’, he explained.

The MP who until 2012 general election was the district chief executive for the area said he will continue to help the orphans at the redemption orphanage home in any capacity because the over 50 children there through no fault of theirs.

The orphans he said are without parents and as leaders; it is our responsibility to provide them with support.

One of the major challenges confronting the people in Damango is access to potable drinking water, but the MP says his liaising with the various stakeholders to fine a lasting solution to the water crisis that has bedeviled the area for decades now.

Madam Mame Wayne on behalf of the hair dressers and dress makers thanked the MP for honoring his campaign promise.

She was grateful that Hon. Mutawakilu is teaching them how to fish and not to eat fish and expressed the hope that the machines will help reduce young girls going to south as head porter popularly called Kayaye.

The proprietor of Redemption orphanage home Lermu Braima Saaka also expressed his gratitude for the support by Hon Mutawakilu and the Damongo district Chief Executive for the up-keep of the orphans and appeal for clothing and food to take care of the orphans.





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