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Workers need improved salaries -TUC Chairperson Tells Government

Ghanaian workers are asking for improved, attractive and sustained basic salaries to enable them enjoy the fruits of their labor.

They said salaries of workers must be commensurate with the current economic conditions in the country.The workers noted that pensions of workers in the country are meager and in most instances lead pensioners to their early grave.

The Northern Regional Chairperson of Organized Labor of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Madam Rebecca Yankson speaking at the May Day celebration in Tamale, said the monthly take home income of the Ghanaian worker makes a mockery of their pensions and observed that better and improved salaries will lead to better pensions to take care of them after retirement.

Organized by the TUC, the celebration brought together all unionized workers across the Northern, Savannah and North Eastern regions.

This year’s theme for the May Day Celebration was “Sustainable Pension for All; =the Role of Social Partners.” The workers embarked on a health walk before converging at the jubilee park where they were addressed.

Key messages that cut across the workers front was better conditions of service.Some of the inscriptions on the placards read; “We need better working conditions, “Pay us our arrears, “Let there be decency in teachers jobs.”

The Regional Chairperson of the TUC commended the government for its efforts at cleaning the payroll. Northern regional minister, Mr Salifu Saeed assured the workers of the government’s commitment to addressing their concerns.

Mr Saeed told the workers that the government takes their concerns very seriously because the president’s vision of Ghana beyond Aid can only be achieved if the implementers have better working conditions.

He also urged civil servants in the region to remain focused because the region according to him is now peaceful and ready for speedy development.

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