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Stop inciting Konkombas against President Mahama-Konkomba Youth warns Bugri Nabuu


President John Mahama has someone in his corner, after all. The youth of Kikpakpang, the Konkomba Youth of National Democratic Congress (NDC) has warned Northern Regional Chairman of the NPP, Mr Bugri Naabu and his New Patriotic Party cohorts to stop inciting Konkombas against the John Dramani Mahama-led administration.

The youth said Mr. Naabu’s incessant accusations and desperate attempts to incite Konkombas against the President will not be tolerated any longer if he continues.

The Kikpakpang’s warning follows the NPP’s chairman constant allegations and insinuations against Mr. Mahama, saying that ever since he became president, he has favored some tribes to the detriment of others.

But in a sharp response to his attacks, the youth said the Kikpakpang have come a long way and need development in their communities rather than frivolous and trivial issues.

They urged all youth of Kikpakpang to uphold their commitment and loyalty to the NDC party as they work for the realization of transforming lives in the Better Ghana Agenda.

They also commended President Mahama for appointing an illustrious son from the Kikpakpang to a high office at the presidency.

The Konkomba NDC Youth said the appointment of a management and integrated rural development specialist, Kenneth Wujangi as deputy chief of staff in charge of operations shows the respect and confidence the president has in Konkombas.

The youth also congratulated the former president of Konkomba Youth Association for his immense contributions to Kikpakpang and mother Ghana that contributed to his  appointment.

Mr. Wujangi’s appointment, the youth said, is a clear indication that President John Dramani Mahama has not sidelined Konkombas in his administration as trumpeted by the disgruntled Northern Regional Chairman of the NPP, Mr. Naabu and his New Patriotic Party cohorts.


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